How “Pentecost” Came to Los Angeles
The story of the old Azusa Mission outpouring, as it was in the beginning, by the Author who was an eye witness.
Price 50c. $4.50 per dozen.
Around the World by Faith, With Six Weeks in the Holy Land
Being a graphic description of the Author’s Pentecostal Missionary trip, circling the globe, in 1910.
Price 50c. $4.00 per dozen.
From Plough to Pulpit
A fascinating account of the Author’s early life. Conversion, call to preach, and many years of pioneer, faith mission work in all parts of the U. S. A most helpful book for young workers.
Price 50c. $4.50per dozen.
The Deity of Christ
A most excellent compilation of what the best scholars of the church age have written on this most important subject. This book is really forty volumes in one and a most helpful book for scholars.
Price 50. $4.50 per dozen.
A Treasure Chest
This little booklet is a gem, being composed of the Author’s best thoughts in a nutshell, in proverb form. Very condensed and comprehensive, like nuggets of gold.
Price 15c.
These books can be ordered of the Author.
Frank Bartleman
5606 Bushnell Way
Los Angeles, Calif.