Other Books by the Same Author

How “Pentecost” Came to Los Angeles
The story of the old Azusa Mission outpouring, as it was in the beginning, by the Author who was an eye witness.
Price 50c. $4.50 per dozen.

Around the World by Faith, With Six Weeks in the Holy Land
Being a graphic description of the Author’s Pentecostal Missionary trip, circling the globe, in 1910.
Price 50c. $4.00 per dozen.

From Plough to Pulpit
A fascinating account of the Author’s early life. Conversion, call to preach, and many years of pioneer, faith mission work in all parts of the U. S. A most helpful book for young workers.
Price 50c. $4.50per dozen.

The Deity of Christ
A most excellent compilation of what the best scholars of the church age have written on this most important subject. This book is really forty volumes in one and a most helpful book for scholars.
Price 50. $4.50 per dozen.

A Treasure Chest
This little booklet is a gem, being composed of the Author’s best thoughts in a nutshell, in proverb form. Very condensed and comprehensive, like nuggets of gold.
Price 15c.

These books can be ordered of the Author.
Frank Bartleman
5606 Bushnell Way
Los Angeles, Calif.