While passing through Europe on my trip around the world in 1910, (described in an earlier book, entitled “Around the World by Faith, with Six Weeks in the Holy Land,”) I became convinced that I would return later, with my family, for a further ministry there. After remaining in Los Angeles from the Spring of 1911 to the Spring of 1912 it was made very clear to us that we should go forward. The Lord provided for the first lap of our journey through two individuals, one a brother in the Lord 500 miles away, the other a sister, not Pentecostal, but in sympathy. We came over the Salt Lake Route, stopping one day in Salt Lake City. We went from there over the Denver and Rio Grande. We were delayed some hours snow slide, but reached the Grand Canyon just in time to see its wonderful scenery before darkness closed down upon us.

We stopped in Denver over Sunday. I located the Pentecostal Assembly there after some searching. Had no communication with them. They received me as from the Lord. We had a wonderful day. I spoke at three services. We next stopped at Topeka, Kansas. Here we found other visiting workers ahead of us. Not wishing to embarrass them we only stopped one night, to rest the children from the long journey. Had a warm welcome from Bro. Foster, and one good meeting. In those early days all Pentecostal doors were open to the worker sent of God. We ran on next day to Kansas City, Mo. Stopped over Sunday with the Pentecostal people there, holding three services. The Lord blessed in the messages.

Our next stop, was at St. Louis, Mo. Here we remained three weeks with Mother Moise, in the Pentecostal Home. Had blessed services, the Lord wonderfully manifesting Himself. It was hard to leave there. We next jumped to Findlay, Ohio, where we held a convention. Our next meeting was at Wilkinsburg. Pastor Tom Float was very kind to us. I preached two nights, with much help from the Lord. We then came on to Washington, D. C., stopping at Mother Perry’s. Here God wonderfully wrought. Many were greatly helped. There was a very deep spirit of prayer upon us. I went to the Department of State and got our Passports for foreign parts. We only stopped one night in Washington.

We then came on to Philadelphia, reaching there with just $2.00; I preached at Highway Mission twice on Sunday. Here one man gave me $50.00 in a lump. Thank God! Leaving my family with my mother at Carversville, Bucks Co., Pa., I then ran on to New York City. There I preached two nights at “Glad Tidings Hall.” Bro. Robt. Brown was in charge. We had a blessed time.

I then went to Montwait, Mass., Camp Meeting. Here God wonderfully wrought, in the Tarrying Meetings. From there I came back to New York City, speaking one night. Next day I went to Patterson, New Jersey, and spoke twice in an all-day meeting. The Lord was with us in great power. I then came back to Philadelphia, stopping over night to give my testimony at the Grace Baptist Church, corner of Broad and Berks streets, where I had been a member after my conversion in 1893, and next day went to Homestead Camp Meeting, near Pittsburg, Pa. At Homestead I preached once a day, with great help from God. The Camp Meeting Committee gave me $50.00. I had now over $100.00 on hand.

The family then went with me to a Camp Meeting at Patterson, N. J. It was a hard battle. I spoke principally on Missions. Spoke two or three times in all. God again wonderfully undertook for us financially. Received $60.00 during the ten days we were there. This was mostly given us by individuals. The committee gave us $25.00.

We came back to New York City for two day, where I preached again with much help from God. I then took the family to my wife’s mother, in New York State, on the Hudson, and from there ran on to Jordan Station Camp Meeting, in Canada. By this time we were looking to God for clear leadings for the future.

We felt the time was approaching to sail, if we were going to Europe. I had refrained from making any positive declaration as to this step, feeling that I must be very sure before I committed myself definitely. The money given me during the season was given with the understanding that I did not bind myself to use it in any particular way, but that if God led us to Europe it would be on hand to use for that purpose.

The Lord had always made me careful in money matters. I remember receiving a check for $50.00 in the Spring of 1907, from Conneaut, Ohio, to come east on and hold a meeting. But I never cashed the check until I had gone there and held the meeting. I trusted God to give me my carfare from California some other way, rather than take chances of not suiting the people, and having a misunderstanding over the money. The meeting was a success, so I felt then the money was mine.

God has never allowed us to borrow or go in debt in all our married life, and I observed the same rule while single almost from the time I was saved. All that I have received for preaching, for almost thirty years, has been in the way of free-will offerings. Have never preached for salary or for stipulated amount. I have felt I could not hire out to preach the Gospel of Christ. Our needs have been supplied through those whose hearts God has touched for the Gospel’s sake, as at this day.

We had a wonderful time at Jordan Camp Meeting. A great spirit of unity prevailed. I was pressed forward by the brethren to preach a number of times. Stopped at Buffalo on the way home, at Erdman’s Mission, where I preached two nights. The first night I preached three hours. The second night one and one half hours. The people were so hungry and appreciative. God greatly blessed. In the beginning of the Pentecostal outpouring, I remember preaching for three hours one evening in the heart of New York City. And then the people wanted more. Those were days of great hunger for the Word of God.

I brought my family to New York City again, where I preached four times. We had powerful meetings. We then went to Philadelphia again, where I preached for about two weeks, every night, with great help from the Lord. I left the family here and went back to New York City, to see if it was God’s time for us to sail for Europe. Stopped over Sunday, preaching in “Glad Tidings Hall.” I had been told that it was almost impossible to get passage to Europe at this time as so many were going, and the berths were all engaged for weeks ahead. But the Lord was to decide. After praying earnestly for Him to indicate His will clearly in the matter, I went down, to the Cunard line and inquired about passage. I had barely spoken my wish before the clerk drew his pencil around just the cabin accommodations we needed, and the matter was settled. The Lord had had it all arranged. I had gone down willing to the last to stay or go, as He should desire. He knew my heart. I wanted His will. I left a deposit, and we were to sail Oct. 19.

I returned to Philadelphia and spent Sunday at Highway Mission, preaching three times. The saint gave me $40.00. We then went to New York City, where we stayed at “Glad Tidings Hall.” I preached two nights. I found after paying our fares to Europe, $200.00 for the family, second class, we had just $100.00 left to reach England with. God had been so wonderfully good to us.